UPS Systems plc MD assists with the sale of AOS Security Ltd to Churchill Services Group

"After guiding & assisting shareholders and management with the successful sale of AOS Security Ltd to Churchill Services Group, I am sure the stakeholders will agree that many business owners turn to the bureaucratic processes of professional marketing advisors to guide them in how to sell their business. This is unwise, as there is a lack of understanding of how a business works in the 'real world', how it will be affected by the sale & the key drivers in making a successful deal happen. AOS Stakeholders turned to me as an independent fellow business owner with a long history of selling & acquiring businesses to control and transact for them whilst they carried on running their business." - John Peers, Managing Director UPS Systems Group 

"John understood the real world pitfalls, costs and other implications of selling the business and we feel this couldn't have been done without him." -

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