News and Blogs

  1. Data Centre Colocation, what is it?

    Data Centre ColocationData centre colocation is when a facility provides an off-site location for organisations to house their data, with people on duty 24/7 to deal with system failures and security breaches. Some companies

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  2. Free £50 Netflix Gift Card when you purchase Vertiv Products

    In order to claim your £50 Netflix gift card, you must provide a copy of the reseller invoice(s). Once the sale is verified by Vertiv, one £50 Netflix gift card will be dispatched directly by Netflix. P
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  3. Product Focus on Hyundai Generator DHY8000SELR-T Diesel Generator

    Key Benefits of the Hyundai Generator DHY8000SELR-T Diesel Generator include:

    • Equipped with a 30L fuel tank for an increased running time of up to 30 hours.
    • Single & Three Phase capabilities, ideal for garages and workshops.
    • Powered by a 4-stroke, air-cooled Hyundai diesel engine.
    • Produces a maximum output of 6kW / 7.5kVA.
    • Uses ATS capabilities to automatically start and shut down during a power cut.


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  4. A Quick Guide to Fire Suppression Systems

    What are Fire Suppression Systems?

    Fire suppression systems prevent or extinguish the spread of fire in a building. Fire suppression systems use a mix of wet agents and/or dry chemicals to suppress equipment fires. When fires are stopped early loss of life is minimal since fire-related deaths occur once the fire has moved past the early stages. Building and internal system damage is also reduced if the fire isn't given time to spread, making fire suppression systems almost as important in areas where there are rarely people, but there is lots of key equipment, like in data centres.

    Manual or Automatic?

    Fire Suppression Systems Fire suppression systems can be either manual or automatic, manual ones operate with human input, like when a fire alarm is pressed. Automatic fire suppression systems operate without human intervention allowing a fire to be dealt with before anyone is even aware there is an issue. Automatic fire suppression systems are key to protecting both isolated areas and employee or inhabitants.

    What type of Fire Suppression System will be required?

    The type of fire suppression system used in a building depends on what the building is used for. Water, for example, is used in areas with

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  5. Christmas Holiday Closure Dates

    We are closing for Christmas on Friday 22nd December 2017 at 12.30pm and will be shut through to the New Year. The office will then reopen on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 at 9.00am.


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  6. Black Friday Offer - Order Now!

    Black Friday Offer - Order Now!

    To celebrate we are offering a 5% discount on 3 or more of the same product on Riello products*, BPC

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  7. Yet Another Success!

    UPS Systems plc MD assists with the sale of AOS Security Ltd to Churchill Services Group

    "After guiding & assisting shareholders and management with the successful sale of AOS Security Ltd to Churchill Services Group, I am sure the stakeholders will agree that many business owners turn to the bureaucratic processes of professional marketing advisors to guide them in how to sell their business. This is unwise, as there is a lack of understanding of how a business works in the 'real world', how it will be affected by the sale & the key drivers in making a successful deal happen. AOS Stakeholders turned to me as an independent fellow business owner with a long history of selling & acquiring businesses to control and transact for them whilst they carried on running their business." - John Peers, Managing Director UPS Systems Group 

    "John understood the real world pitfalls, costs and other implications of selling the business and we feel this couldn't have been done without him." -

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  8. Why did 'power surge' hit BA computers?

    Why did 'power surge' hit BA computers? UPS Systems plc are the UK's longest and most established independent industry specialists. We look after infrastructure for some of the

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  9. UPS Systems plc have moved

    UPS Systems plc have moved

    Our head office is now located at:

    Unit 71, Shrivenham Hundred Business Park, Majors Road, Watchfield, Swindon, SN6 8TY

    You can still contact us as normal and we will endeavour to provide you with the same high quality service you have come to expect from UPS Systems plc. Our phone number and email address have remained the same so it is as easy as ever if you need to get in touch. We look forward to many years in our shiny new office and we hope that some

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  10. Copenhagen to host Denmark's first city centred energy storage system

    Denmark's first city centred energy storage system

    Copenhagen's district of Nordhavn will be home to Denmark's first city centred energy storage system. The lithium-ion based battery energy

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